Unofficial Runaways Homepage- Under Construstion
My Runaways Discography Page, Under construction
I hate sitting at some sights forever,
waiting for their flashy graphics to load. Then they throw in
stuff that needs constant downloading, so that you can't
read the URLs
I will not add graphics and fancy stuff to THIS page, as I
feel that it takes to long to load (or something)...
Questions? Comments? Send them to:
OK, so I lied, here is a picture of my son...
Anyway, enjoy these links while you read my résumé...
Most links last checked 11/18/2003
Some Web Sites
National Air and Space Museum
NASA/Kennedy Space Center
Web66: School Registry
Educational Online Sources:
U.S. Department of Education
Alma Maters
Brookdale Comm. College
Montclair State University
Mercy College (MAT)
The Runaways and Related
Unofficial Runaways Homepage- Under Construstion
My Runaways Discography Page, Under construction
Lita (Queen of Metal) Ford Home Page
A cool Joan page
Sandy West Official Homepage
A Runaways Discography
The Dilbert Zone
MetClub: The Official Metallica Web Site
Go to the UBL
L7: Runaways Wannabes
NCEMSF Home Page
Montclair State Uni. EMS (forming) 1996
South New Jersey Transit Info.
Writing at MU
Lycos Search Form
State of New Jersey
My Poems
kensternation2@hotmail.comPlease send comments, additional links, etc.
My Résumé
B.A. Montclair State University 1994 (Psychology; with minors in Computer Programming; Creative Writing; U.S. History)
M.A.T. Mercy College 2004 (special education)
Extracurricular Activities:
Day Lieutenant South Aberdeen Emergency Medical Services (1988 - 1991)
Active member South Aberdeen Emergency Medical Services (1986 - 1992)
Co-founder of
Montclair State Uni. EMS (forming) 1996
Captain intramural soccer team (1986 - present)
Work Experience:
(Group Home Supervisor 1986 - 1988)
Duties included supervising and assisting mentally handicapped individuals in a group home setting.
Noels Hosiery
(salesman 1986 - 1990)
Duties included selling socks in fleamarkets.
National Conference of Synagogue Youth
( Advisor 1986 - 1990)
Duties included organizing weekends, and social activities for two groups. One group was fifth through eighth grades and the other was high school.
Clay's Ambulance Service
(Ambulance Attendant 1988 - 1993)
Duties included transporting and treating patients, in mostly non-emergency situations, although emergencies could and did arise.
Montclair State Uni. AC&T
(Lab Assistant 1990 - 1995)
Duties included providing support for the effective operation of the computer lab by assisting students and faculty in the use of the facilities.
(Supervising Lab Assistant 1995 - Sept. 1996)
Duties included maintaining, upgrading and troubleshooting several hundred computers across campus, located in computer labs and professors offices and creating schedules for computer labs.
Childrens Specialized Hospital
(Teacher Assistant Sept. 1996- Jan. 1997)
Bloomfield Public School System
(Substitute Teacher Jan. 1997 -1998 )
Bloomfield Public School System
(Instructional Aide Mar. 1997 - 1998)
( Special Ed. Teacher 1998- present)
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After this point I have nothing to do with this page, especially if it has anything to do with Bill!
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